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Gray dotted planet PowerPoint Templates



This is a set of PowerPoint template with gray dot line planet as the background, with elegant color and exquisite design, which is suitable for the slide presentation of business report, work plan, work summary, work report, etc.
Ppt template uses a semicircle point line star background image, in the middle of the gray thin line rectangular shape, fill in the business ppt title text.
The content page of PowerPoint template is composed of 31 gray dynamic slide charts and PPT text layout. In addition, the use of workplace office ppt illustrations, commercial building ppt illustrations, flat figures ppt illustrations and other decorations.
Template text, pictures, colors, lines, charts, etc. can be freely edited.
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  • Template pages: Total 33 pages
  • Template page Size: 1280px x 720px
  • Template display ratio: 16:9
  • Template extension:pptx
  • Template language: English
  • Applicable software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365/Google slides
  • Template file size: 2.08MB

Gray dotted planet PowerPoint Templates

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All presentation designs on our website, designed by the designers freeppt7.com. Designs and presentations can be downloaded and used free of charge by our users. But no one in the internet sites or CD / DVD to distribute without permission! Contents of our website without permission to copy, distribute or sale is prohibited. Let us abide by our copyright laws. Otherwise you will be prosecute.

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