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Modern technology theme PowerPoint background pictures



This is a set of PowerPoint background with dot line particles as background. The main color is blue, highlighting the elements of modern technology. It can be applied to the slide design of modern technology, artificial intelligence, Internet +, scientific exploration, quantum mechanics, space exploration, science teaching and so on.
Search keywords: particle, science, technology, science and technology, modern science and technology, science and technology picture, science and technology background picture, modern science and technology background picture, science and technology background picture, modern science and technology PPT background picture
  • mage format:JPG
  • pages: Total 5 pages
  • Page Size: 1920PX x 1080PX
  • display ratio: 16:9
  • File size: 1.70MB
  • file format:zip

Modern technology theme PowerPoint background pictures
1.7 MB zip >>> DOWNLOAD

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