<b>Ink Landscape Chinese Style Slides Templates</b>

Ink Landscape Chinese Style Slides Templates

This is a set of ink painting landscape Chinese style PowerPoint templates, designed with simplicity and aesthetics, suitable for PowerPoint presentations and Google slide themes that reflect Chinese cultural elements, such as business plans, work su…

<b>Blue Work Report PowerPoint Templates</b>

Blue Work Report PowerPoint Templates

This is a set of blue work report PPT templates, a total of 24 pages, simple design, beautiful pages, can be widely used in academic reports, thesis defense, work summary, company introduction, business reports and other slide presentations. Place th…

<b>Academic Report PowerPoint Templates</b>

Academic Report PowerPoint Templates

This is a PowerPoint template of education theme, which is suitable for PowerPoint presentation of academic report, education lecture, year-end summary, work report, teaching courseware, education training, thesis defense, etc. There are 25 pages in…

<b>Classical Style PowerPoint Template</b>

Classical Style PowerPoint Template

This is a PowerPoint template with a classical pattern background. This PPT template takes beautiful florets as background and has a fresh literary style. Templates are suitable for PowerPoint demonstrations on topics such as job reports, plans, summ…

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