<b>Watercolor Hand Painted PowerPoint Templates</b>

Watercolor Hand Painted PowerPoint Templates

This is a kind of PowerPoint template with watercolor hand-painted style. The main color is blue. With watercolor hand-painted books as the background elements, it highlights the theme elements such as education and teaching. It is suitable for Power…

<b>Simple Four Colors PowerPoint Templates</b>

Simple Four Colors PowerPoint Templates

This is a simple four-color PowerPoint template, blue, green, yellow, red four colors match harmoniously, very beautiful. This PPT template is suitable for slide presentations of work plan, summary, business report, annual report, project research, g…

<b>Pink universal PowerPoint template</b>

Pink universal PowerPoint template

Pink universal PowerPoint template : With pink roses as the background, it reflects a romantic literary style. The page is refreshing and beautiful. It is suitable for PT demonstration of graduation defense, thesis defense, subject research, research…

<b>Classical Style PowerPoint Template</b>

Classical Style PowerPoint Template

This is a PowerPoint template with a classical pattern background. This PPT template takes beautiful florets as background and has a fresh literary style. Templates are suitable for PowerPoint demonstrations on topics such as job reports, plans, summ…

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