<b>Project Research Report PowerPoint Template</b>

Project Research Report PowerPoint Template

Project Research Report PowerPoint Template : With a beautiful flower and pattern as the background, it reflects a fresh literary style and is suitable for PowerPoint presentations on topics such as report, graduation thesis, education, work plan, wo…

<b>Fresh literary style PowerPoint Templates</b>

Fresh literary style PowerPoint Templates

Fresh literary style PowerPoint Template , beautiful floral background, giving people a happy, warm feeling, Chinese and English, suitable for PowerPoint, life, personality introduction, work plan, work summary and other topics of PowerPoint presenta…

<b>Small fresh literary style PPT Template</b>

Small fresh literary style PPT Template

Small fresh literary style PowerPoint Template, watercolor background, flat design, PowerPoint presentation for work plan, job summary, business report, education and teaching, art education and other topics. ages: Total 26pages pageSize: 1280px x 72…

<b>Literary style PowerPoint template</b>

Literary style PowerPoint template

Literary style PowerPoint template, small refreshing style, general type slide template, a total of 25 pages, provides a rich PPT chart, powerful, very practical. Welcome to download! pages: Total 25pages pageSize: 128 0px x 720px displayratio: 16:9…

<b>Literary beautiful flower PPT template</b>

Literary beautiful flower PPT template

Literary beautiful flower PowerPoint template, very beautiful! Suitable for many types of PPT presentations for women, business, literature and so on. Has a great dynamic presentation. pages: Total 13 pages pageSize: 1280px x 720px displayratio: 16:9…

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