<b>Thesis defense dynamic PPT templates</b>

Thesis defense dynamic PPT templates

This is a set of well-designed PowerPoint template, which is especially suitable for students and researchers. It can be used for graduation defense, opening report, thesis defense, education lecture, scientific research report, etc. There are 29 pag…

<b>Elegant Chinese Style PowerPoint Templates</b>

Elegant Chinese Style PowerPoint Templates

This is a PowerPoint template with Chinese traditional cultural elements as the background. It is elegant in style, beautiful in page and poetic. It is suitable for demonstration of work plan, summary, opening report, literature, art, teaching, etc.…

<b>Hand drawn education theme slide templates</b>

Hand drawn education theme slide templates

This is a hand-painted PowerPoint template, the main color is blue, with hand-painted line drawing books, stationery, mathematical equations and other elements, highlighting the theme of education and teaching, which is suitable for PowerPoint presen…

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