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Flower Background PPT Template for Work summary



This is a hand-painted style of flowers as the background of the PT template, template tone elegant, full of poetry. This PowerPoint template is suitable for the PT demonstration of annual summary, work plan, business report, business planning and other topics.
The template has planned the cover, preface, catalogue page, transition page and content page, so that you can make PPT clear and save time.
All the colors and icons of this template conform to the VIS standard after the launch of 4G service for mobile phones. All icons are not in picture format, so they can be edited, changed and enlarged. The layout design is simple and practical. All pages have animation effect.
Beautiful dynamic cover, a variety of refined dynamic graphics, including a variety of logical diagrams, charts, graphics and text mix, so that you can make PPT time-saving and labor-saving. All graphics are animated according to different types.
In content design, if detailed text description is added, it is suggested that the title should be related and conform to the overall language style, and the language description should be as concise and vivid as possible. Try to control the word number of each slide within 200 words. According to statistics, it is better to control the word number of each slide within 5 minutes.
  • Template pages: Total 38 pages
  • Template page Size: 1280px x 720px
  • Template display ratio: 16:9
  • Template extension:pptx
  • Template language: English|Chinese
  • Applicable software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365/Google slides
  • Template file size: 10.7MB

Flower Background PPT Template for Work summary
10.77 MB pptx >>> DOWNLOAD

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