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Ripple curve background PowerPoint Templates



This is a set of corrugated curve background PowerPoint templates, a total of 21 pages, simple design, beautiful pages, for general business slides, widely used.
Place a blue wave curve background picture on the left side of the cover of the PPT template. Place a white gradient rectangle in the middle and fill in the PPT title text. The interface style is simple and business.
The PowerPoint template content page consists of 19 blue dynamic slide charts and PPT text layout. In addition, decorations such as illustrations of European and American workplace figures, commercial building illustrations, and conference scene illustrations are used.
This template is simple and exquisite in design, suitable for making all kinds of general business PPT, such as: work summary PPT, work report PPT, debriefing report PPT, etc. .PPTX format.
Welcome to download! I wish you success at work, a happy life, and good health!
  • Template pages: Total 21 pages
  • Template page Size: 1280px x 720px
  • Template display ratio: 16:9
  • Template extension:pptx
  • Template language: English | Chinese
  • Applicable software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365/Google slides
  • Template file size: 2.18MB

Ripple curve background PowerPoint Templates

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All presentation designs on our website, designed by the designers freeppt7.com. Designs and presentations can be downloaded and used free of charge by our users. But no one in the internet sites or CD / DVD to distribute without permission! Contents of our website without permission to copy, distribute or sale is prohibited. Let us abide by our copyright laws. Otherwise you will be prosecute.

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